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All the Missing Caregivers (Fascismo all'Acqua di Rose)

Performance with large scale video projections, duration 30-50 min, 2023 

A research based project investigating performative writing and staging techniques of Albanian female  voices in the Italian context The (de)spectacularization and disruptiveness of different interconnected and subjugated forms of southern  Mediterranean areas are explored to reflect on gender, proximity, labor and peripheral areas, thus  fragmenting the space of Italian (post)imperial projections from within. 

premiered at Live Works Vol. 10 Central Fies - Center for Performing Arts, Dro (Italy), 2023
Supported by an artistic research grant  CAS SEE Fellow University of Rijeka, 2023

Centrale Fies_Endi Tupja_photo credits Andrea Nicotra_05.jpg
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